In a continuing effort to balance public access to County offices with the safety of both customers and employees, the Board of Commissioners reminds all visitors to County facilities, including the Courthouse, Prison, and all satellite offices, that COVID-19 mitigation measures remain in force. Masks or other face coverings are required to enter the building. Visitors who come without a mask will be provided one. All County personnel are required to wear masks or other face coverings. A number of offices operate by appointment only. Visit for more information or call (814) 693-3000. They also ask that you do not bring extra people with you. Individual offices may prevent groups of people inside a particular work space at any given time. Visitors will be asked to wait in hallways or outside the building in those circumstances. Until May 31, maximum occupancy of the elevator in the new portion of the Courthouse is two riders at a time; the elevator in the historic side of the Courthouse is limited to one rider at a time. Occupancy of meeting rooms is limited to the number cited on a sign by each room’s entrance until May 31st. Visitors who are symptomatic for COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses, or those who believe that they may have been exposed to COVID-19 are asked to delay in-person business with the County until they have recovered.