The trial began Monday of a Blair County Prison inmate who is accused of beating another inmate almost two years ago. 35 year old Kyle Kagarise is one of four inmates who were charged in connection with that assault. He is facing charges including aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy to engage in aggravated assault, assault by a prisoner, riot, and other charges. Glenn Staehli III is now a state prison inmate. In testimony yesterday, he told the jury that it was Kagarise and yet another inmate… Canaan Laich… who knocked him down and beat him using their fists and feet while he was inside his prison cell on August 31, 2019. He claims the attack left him with a concussion, post-traumatic stress disorder, and migraine headaches. Laich was sentenced last Friday to two to four years behind bars for his part in the assault. The trial continues today in the courtroom of Judge Timothy M. Sullivan. It is expected to wrap up today or tomorrow.